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When do you pick garlic? Our tips

The Mirabella Eclano Ango is a green corner of Irpinia where the pedoclimatic conditions are ideal for the cultivation of the garlic plant. Earth, sun and good temperature excursions favour the refreshment of the plant that offers a particularly aromatic and fragrant fruit. Our garlic is a variety present for centuries in the territory that thanks to the capacities of local farmers have managed to reach us, intact and always current. We at the Sabina Cooperative cultivate garlic according to traditional systems that exploit innovation to preserve the product’s organoleptic characteristics. Finally, in recent years we have been carrying out a project of conversion towards an organic agricultural regime to comply with the respect for the native biodiversity of the place and environmental sustainability. The philosophy behind our activity is to commit to preserving this natural, historical and biological heritage intact for succeeding generations.

Garlic plant

Our garlic is a native variety of Campania. The first cultivations of this plant date back to Roman times. The soils are rich in nutrients that give particular organoleptic characteristics to garlic. The garlic plant enjoys good irrigation conditions that allow it to overcome even the driest environmental conditions unharmed.


Garlic sowing and harvesting

Many people wonder when garlic should be picked to enjoy all its pleasantness. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the sowing of garlic takes place between the end of December and the beginning of January, but can last until February-March. Garlic is harvested between May and the end of June depending on the use of the fruit. Garlic leaves to be eaten fresh at the time of harvest are still green; while those of the garlic to be preserved are dried. After the garlic has been harvested, we at the Sabina Producers’ Organisation dry and braid them according to the traditional system. There are many site online that explain when garlic should be picked.


Characteristics of garlic

When garlic is harvested, the bulbs have a medium size white tending to pink. The tunic is red-purple. The aroma and taste of the fruit are intense thanks to the presence of essential oils. The pleasant spiciness is due to the strong presence of allicin. As for the presence of nutritional values, it is important to note that in garlic there are vitamins of the group A, B1, B2 and C and minerals such as potassium and phosphorus.

Uses of garlic

It is a natural product that can be consumed daily in the kitchen both cooked and raw. It can enhance the dishes by adding that extra touch in terms of aroma and freshness. Regular consumption of garlic also stimulates circulation and cardiac function. Finally, it has been recognised as an important antiseptic and its antibacterial properties stimulate immune defences. Our advice is to use its potential to create new dishes using both fresh and dried. Our production ranges from the classic braid to the very versatile and tasty dehydrated garlic. Its vacuum packaging allows you to keep it intact until the moment of use.

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