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How to prepare garlic, oil and chilli pepper pasta

Among the dishes most loved and cooked by Italians, we find their own: spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli pepper. Simple, but at the same time perfect to satisfy the most demanding palates, the garlic and oil spaghetti are a real delight and are also very fast to prepare. A few quality ingredients, such as good EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE oil and a few slices of our fragrant ORGANIC garlic, are enough to create a true masterpiece. You know, simple recipes are the best but they are also the most difficult to make: just a few wrong steps and the result can be a real disaster. Are you ready to uncover all the secrets for a first of 10 and praise? Fasten your aprons, let’s cook!

For you the pasta garlic oil and chilli pepper recipe

Here is our recipe for garlic pasta, oil and chilli pepper, we at the Sabina Cooperative are looking forward to revealing some little tricks for a first to lick your moustache!

Ingredients for 4 people

320 g spaghetti
3 cloves of Sabina O.P. Garlic
2 fresh chillies
8 tablespoons good quality extra virgin olive oil
to taste fine salt
to taste finely chopped parsley


1. Boil the water, once boiled, cook the spaghetti one minute less than the indicated time. Draining the pasta al dente is a fundamental step to create an excellent dish as the cooking will be completed inside the seasoning of oil, garlic and chilli pepper.

2. Meanwhile, while the pasta is cooking, peel the cloves of garlic and cut them into small pieces, then add them in a pot with EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE oil and the chillies cooking everything over low heat for about 1 minute. It is important to brown the ingredients well, but be careful not to burn the pieces of garlic.

After the time needed to cook the spaghetti has almost elapsed (remember to remove them a minute before), transfer them into the garlic and chilli sauce and stir them with the same cooking water over medium heat for the remaining time. The spaghetti must never dry, so always keep their cooking water available, in this way you will finish their preparation and the pasta will release the starches necessary to create a fairytale cream.

4. Once the cream is finished, dust the spaghetti with finely chopped parsley and serve the dish hot.

N.B. You can decide at the end to add grated cheese or breadcrumbs depending on the tastes of your diners.

A tasty variation on classic spaghetti with garlic and chilli oil

After discovering how to prepare garlic, oil and chilli pasta, we of the Sabina Cooperative, who for years have cared about customer satisfaction with our production of strictly Italian garlic and certified ORGANICand GLOBALGAP, want to delight you with a small variant of the classic, but timeless, recipe. Well, try the version with a sprinkling of mullet bottarga at the end of cooking: the irresistible aroma of garlic will match perfectly with the flavour of fish and the spiciness of chilli pepper.
Now that its variants have also been revealed, all you have to do is buy O.P. Sabina Garlic at home and let yourself be overwhelmed by the taste of garlic, oil and chilli paste. And remember: the goodness of a dish is due to the quality of the ingredients chosen to make it!

Well, now you know how to prepare pasta with garlic, oil and chilli, enjoy your meal!

PS: Take a look for this version of Giallo Zafferano!

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Va.So.La Project

Innovation and sustainability are the pillars on which the VA.SO.LA. project is based, a project in which Op Sabina has actively participated. This project, led

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