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Salmon steak with a pistachio crust

This time, our friend Patrizia from the blog In Cucina Con Patty prepared a recipe with our garlic to serve to our friends: Trancio di Salmone in Crosta di Pistacchi con Salsa Tzatziki.

“The Salmon Steak with Pistachio Crust and Tzatziki Sauce with garlic from Cooperativa O.P. Sabina is a delightful proposal for a second fish dish that will surely conquer everyone with its elegant and refined appearance.


Among the main ingredients of this recipe is garlic, the bulb of Allium Sativum, with ancient origins and an unmistakable flavor and aroma. I suggest using an absolute gem like the Garlic from Cooperativa O.P. Sabina to savor true scents and flavors in our dishes.


For our recipe, I have the pleasure of using the Garlic from Serbo braided by Cooperativa O.P. Sabina, an organization of producers based in Mirabella Eclano (AV), which offers high-quality products, authentic accomplices in the flavor of our recipes.”

Read the complete recipe.

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