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How we use garlic waste

Garlic is the most loved aromatic plant of the Mediterranean diet. Its pungent smell and characteristic flavor are the basis for many first courses but also second courses of meat and fish, which is why our company celebrates it and uses it globally.

Our garlic

Garlic is our core business, the central element of our production. Every part of it is fully respected because it is an inexhaustible source of benefits. Our company eliminates the skin and the roots, so that only the head and tail remain intact. The latter will be knotted to form the traditional garlic braid. This particular shape ensures the maximum amount of garlic in the smallest possible space, as well as being aesthetically pleasing also for display. The garlic braid is available in both the conventional and organic versions, so it will be up to the customer to choose the desired type. In both cases, the selected garlic is the result of the slow times of nature, giving life to a product of excellent quality, also thanks to the avant-garde techniques used by our company. There is space, however, also for garlic in bunches, in retina or grained, but what do we do with the waste? Throwing them away would be an incredible waste, which is why we decided on an alternative and functional remedy.

How we treat waste

All garlic waste, including rotten areas or areas that cannot be marketed because they are broken, are processed as a vegetable by-product whose goal is to fertilize the earth. In short, it is an excellent fertilizer! The intrinsic properties of garlic will therefore enrich the soil and, consequently, all that is sown there. This behavior has an economic but, above all, ethical functionality. In such a difficult historical era from an environmental point of view, it is important for us to reduce waste. Sector studies have carried out tests on the ground and from the comparisons it is evident that the quality of the earth has improved, as well as reinvigorated. Growing our garlic organically is a precise company choice and the result is palpable by our customers: a healthy cultivation flows into a product with a unique flavor and aroma, just like Irpinia. The aim is to bring back to the earth what it has generously donated but also to decrease the CO2 emissions deriving from the transport of waste and the dangerous increase in waste. We at Azienda Sabina have a strong respect for the environment and believe in small daily choices that change consciences.

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