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Does garlic lower your blood pressure? A panacea for health

Garlic has many beneficial properties and if consumed regularly it brings many benefits to the body. An inexhaustible source of vitamin A, C, iron and calcium, this small plant of Asian origin concentrates all its properties in the segments that, rich in alliin, are real concentrates of well-being.

Garlic and blood pressure: all the beneficial virtues

Many of the positive effects of garlic on human health are proven by real scientific studies, and one of them concerns the close connection between the substances released by the segments and the lowering of pressure. So, does garlic lower blood pressure? It seems incredible, yet this characteristic plant with its sharp smell and pungent taste has numerous beneficial hypotensive virtues: in short, garlic lowers blood pressure and plays an important role in reducing bad cholesterol. This means that garlic is good for those affected by high blood pressure: its effect is certainly modest, however, it is interesting from the point of view of prevention or as an adjunctive treatment during a specific therapy. The World Health Organisation said that garlic is one of the key beneficial products in a diet for hyperlipidemia and in the prevention of diseases such as hypertension and vascular atherosclerosis. Garlic seems to have a hypotensive effect, as it relaxes the walls of the blood vessels: the substances released therefore perform a vasodilatory function, which decreases blood pressure. Making the blood more fluid makes it difficult for platelets to accumulate inside the vessels and this causes circulatory problems to reduce, including high blood pressure.

The effects of garlic on bad cholesterol

Garlic cloves also perform another important function: they inhibit liver enzymes that cause the synthesis of cholesterol, favouring the degradation of triglycerides. This means that its action leads to an increase in good cholesterol and a reduction in bad cholesterol. We are talking about the hypocholesterolemic properties of garlic which, according to studies, in some cases have led to a reduction in total and LDL cholesterol so large that it also allows a reduction in the risk of coronary events up to 38%. These data are surprising and show how a healthy diet, which involves the alternation of healthy foods rich in beneficial properties, constitutes the first basis of our health.

How and how much garlic to consume?

The effects of garlic on high blood pressure and cholesterol are visible following regular and continuous consumption of the plant, which can be difficult for many given its so accentuated taste. Let’s see various indications about the use of garlic and many other spices also online, for example it is useful what is reported on my Personal Trainer
Not everyone likes the taste of garlic, however, they will be the bravest to benefit from its fantastic properties: experts recommend consuming fresh garlic, taking two to four cloves a day.
Alternatively, there are commercially available supplements based on garlic, both in the form of hydroalcoholic solution to be diluted in water and tablets, containing dry garlic extract.
The tablets have a less immediate effect than fresh garlic, however, they maintain their beneficial properties avoiding the characteristic taste and annoying halitosis.

Well, what do you think now? Do you think garlic lowers blood pressure?

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