Summer salad with our garlic

This time our friend Patrizia from the blog “In Cucina Con Patty” prepared a recipe to serve to our friends: Summer Salad with Turkey, Grilled Eggplants, Quartirolo Cheese and Cherry Tomatoes. “The Summer Salad with Turkey, Grilled Eggplants, Quartirolo Cheese, and Garlic-Infused Cherry Tomatoes with the Dehydrated Garlic Flakes from the O.P. Sabina Cooperative is…

Wild boar ragu pasta

In the culinary world, there are ingredients that play a fundamental role in transforming a dish from good to exceptional. One of these ingredients is undoubtedly garlic. Its presence in a recipe can impart an authentic and satisfying flavor, enriching the culinary experience of those who taste it. In the episode “La Toscana nel piatto”…