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Summer salad with our garlic

This time our friend Patrizia from the blog “In Cucina Con Patty” prepared a recipe to serve to our friends: Summer Salad with Turkey, Grilled Eggplants, Quartirolo Cheese and Cherry Tomatoes.

The Summer Salad with Turkey, Grilled Eggplants, Quartirolo Cheese, and Garlic-Infused Cherry Tomatoes with the Dehydrated Garlic Flakes from the O.P. Sabina Cooperative is a unique, fresh, and inviting dish. It is a tasty and nutritious option typically enjoyed during the summer, served cold. It is perfect as an appetizer or to enhance a festive buffet.


For our recipe, I have the pleasure of using the Dehydrated Garlic Flakes from the Sabina Producers Organization. The garlic produced by this cooperative stands out for its white color with delicate pink veins. It is hand-harvested exclusively from May to July, then dried and processed following centuries-old traditions. The resulting garlic is perfect, with a unique flavor that wonderfully enhances every culinary preparation. This precious bulb is rich in beneficial properties and adds a delightful flavor to our dishes.

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