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Difference between organic and conventional garlic

It is not true that all garlic is the same: apart from the countless varieties, what makes the difference is the cultivation method. In this situation, the use of pesticides assumes a decisive role, able to increase the quantities produced in a short time, but responsible for a clear decrease in quality.

We at Azienda Sabina respect the rhythms of nature. In the next few lines, we will help you to distinguish conventional from organic garlic, to allow you to bring safe and wholesome food to the table, without sacrificing taste.

Garlic, the importance of habitat for an optimal result

While in conventional cultivation systems techniques, methods and products are adopted that modify the original environment, in organic agriculture it is essential to fully respect its characteristics. For this reason, we prefer cultivation in the open field.

In fact, organic garlic does not grow in just any soil, as it fears water stagnation. It needs a draining, slightly acidic soil (with pH between 6.0 and 7.0) and with a soft consistency, to avoid rotting and premature deterioration of the bulbs.

At the time of sowing, the cloves (ie the cloves) must be perfectly dry. We use only those of the external part of the head, taking care to eliminate the skin and not to damage the pulp with the nails.

For fertilization we use only natural fertilizers, such as bovine manure, while watering is reduced to a minimum: in general, rain water is enough to ensure adequate hydration.

Why do we avoid pesticides?

We at the Sabina Company do not use chemicals in the cultivation of garlic. Our mission is not to focus on increasing quantities, but to offer you quality food from the point of view of taste and yield in the kitchen, without sacrificing safety.

The goal of our business is to have you bring to the table what we would use ourselves at home, also to safeguard the people who live with us. In fact, we are very keen to rediscover the genuine flavors of the past.

Conventional and organic garlic, differences from a nutritional point of view

Having not received chemical treatments, the organic product retains all the organoleptic and nutritional properties. Organic garlic provides 149 Kcal per 100 g net of waste and contains:

  • 33 g of carbohydrates (of which 2 g of dietary fiber)
  • 6 g of protein
  • less than 1 g of fat.

It boasts good concentrations of vitamins B1, B6 and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), essential for the absorption of non-emic iron and the prevention of flu diseases.

Allicin, a real cure-all

In truth, the real strength of organic garlic is a much higher content of allicin, compared to the variety coming from standard farming methods. This active ingredient, at the base of its characteristic odor, has an effective action against various ailments:

  • high cholesterol and triglycerides
  • formation of atherosclerotic plaques
  • heart diseases
  • high blood viscosity
  • increase in blood pressure parameters
  • risk of stroke, heart attack, ischemia.

To get the best out of this food, we advise you to eat it raw, preferably broken by hand. Direct contact with heat, knife blades and blenders can reduce the effectiveness of the active substances present in the wedges.

How to make organic garlic even more digestible?

The differences between organic and conventional product also extend to individual tolerability. The first is safer than the second, therefore it does not require rinsing under running water or thorough cleaning operations, other than the usual removal of the skin.

Furthermore, according to many consumers, organic garlic tends to cause less digestive upset than standard garlic. To increase its digestibility when raw, remember to remove the internal sprout (the soul) before consumption.

Alternatively, you can infuse it in hot water for a few minutes (a method particularly suitable for the preparation of fillings and fillings), but it will lose some of its nutritional values.

Conventional and organic garlic in the kitchen

We conclude with some considerations on the yield of the two products in the kitchen. The flavor and aroma of organic garlic are decidedly more persistent than that grown in the traditional way, but they are never unpleasant or pungent. This is true both for use in cooking and raw.

You can use it in many ways: to flavor sauces, fresh and canned vegetables, baked potatoes, Genoese pesto and fish dishes. Together with herbs and spices, they become a must have in marinades for meats, whether they are white, red or black.

Rubbing a few slices on slices of toasted bread will give an edge to croutons and bruschetta, with or without tomatoes. Finally, do not forget the possibility of adding it to an excellent extra-virgin olive oil, better if purchased from local producers: you will get a flavourful dressing for all your dishes.

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