O.P. Sabina on Trova Napoli

We are proud to be featured in the renowned guide “Trova Napoli“, a publication dedicated to discovering the places and excellences of the splendid Campania region. The guide, distributed with the newspaper “La Repubblica“, offers a valuable tool for those who wish to explore the wonders of this land rich in history, culture, and traditions.…

Garlic: a millennial story

Garlic, with its characteristic intense aroma and unique flavor, holds a special place in the cuisine of many cultures around the world. From a simple ingredient to an undisputed star, garlic has a millennia-long history dating back to ancient times. In this article, we will take you on a journey through time to discover the…

Our garlic on Alma tv

Our Sabina was a guest on the “Mangiare con Gusto” show on Alma TV, where she had the opportunity to talk about the wonderful properties of our garlic and our large organization of producers. Chef Giuseppe prepared a delicious and genuine dish: fusilli all’aglione, a perfect blend of Campania and Tuscany. The secret to this…