In an episode of the TV show “Mangiare con Gusto” aired on Alma TV (channel 65 on digital terrestrial), our garlic was used to prepare a special recipe.
Chef Andrea Nacci and sous chef Luca Pugliese prepared “Mezzelune di patate con broccolo romano e conciato di San Vittore” (Potato Half-Moons with Roman Broccoli and San Vittore Cheese).
Garlic played a significant role in the preparation of the filling for these delicious mezzelune. Its freshness and fragrance added a distinctive and aromatic touch to the dish, enriching it with a captivating and inviting flavor. This combination of flavors, combining garlic with potatoes, Roman broccoli, and San Vittore cheese, resulted in a culinary excellence capable of satisfying the most refined palates.
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Annualità 2024