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Care in garlic transportation

From our land to your table

Grown with care and dedication in our fields, our garlic travels a long journey before reaching your kitchen. While many might consider garlic transportation a secondary aspect, for us, it is a crucial phase that ensures the quality and freshness of our garlic.

The importance and care in garlic transportation

Transporting garlic is a delicate process that requires attention and expertise. As a living product, preserving all its aromatic and beneficial properties requires it to be handled with the utmost care.
Each crate is carefully prepared to prevent damage during transit. The arrangement of the garlic is not random: every layer is designed to protect the bulbs and maintain their quality.

The care taken in transporting the garlic reflects our commitment to quality and attention to detail, ensuring a product that is always fresh and aromatic, ready to enhance your dishes with its authentic flavor and beneficial properties.

A protected journey

But our attention doesn’t stop there. The transportation itself is carried out in specially equipped vehicles that maintain a controlled and constant temperature, protecting the garlic from temperature fluctuations that could compromise its quality. For us, every detail matters. Our approach is based on the idea that quality is not just a goal but a continuous process that requires dedication at every step.

The OP Sabina Difference

This attention to detail is what sets us apart. We know that every time you choose OP Sabina, you are giving us a special place in your recipes and moments in the kitchen. For this reason, we leave nothing to chance.
If you also appreciate high-quality garlic, cared for in every detail and grown with passion, learn more about our garlic! Bring to your table a product that reflects all the love and attention we put into every stage, from our land to your kitchen.

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