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The team of ‘Mangiare con Gusto’ at OP Sabina

It was a moment of great honor for us at OP Sabina to welcome the team of the television program “Mangiare con Gusto” to our facility.

The team’s visit was a unique opportunity for us to show them the heart and soul of our cooperative. From our production processes to our philosophy, we had the privilege of sharing with them the passion and commitment we put into our work. For years, we have been dedicated to producing superior quality garlic, with a particular focus on sustainability and environmental conservation.

We cannot thank the “Mangiare con Gusto” team enough for honoring us with their visit and for giving us the opportunity to share our passion for garlic and the land we cultivate.

Keep following us on our social media channels to stay updated on our latest news and initiatives, and don’t miss the opportunity to watch the entire episode to learn more about our work and our passion for quality agriculture.

Watch the episode here.


Investimento realizzato con il contributo della UE
Reg UE 2022/126
CUP B98H24000180004
Annualità 2024

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